The REME ATS-HO Air System reduces airborne and surface microbes in a variety of demanding applications. Contaminants in the form of bacteria, mold, viruses and yeast continue to be one of the major issues in most food processing plants. Organisms can enter the facility on raw materials, employee’s clothing and bodies, through intake and makeup air systems, and on packaging materials. Target areas include production rooms, cold storage, freezers, cafeterias/break rooms, storage rooms, grocery stores & supermarkets, as well as distribution facilities.
Air passes through a REME® / PHI oxidation chamber, which destroys airborne microbes with high intensity UV light rays targeted on a quad- metallic compound. The process develops a highly charged atmosphere of hydroxyl radicals, hydro-peroxides and super oxide ions. This atmosphere oxidizes contaminants in the air with friendly oxidizers. By friendly oxidizers, we mean oxidizers that revert back to oxygen and hydrogen after the oxidation process. No chemical residue or dangerous compounds are emitted from the system. The REME® ATS Air System can reduce levels of airborne microbes and odours by up to 99%.
PHI air treatment system for commercial low temperature freezers. Includes separate external freezer mounted NEMA 4X ballast enclosure and control box.